Editorial – tidningen Vision
Working from home is here to stay, post corona an editorial illustration for Vision a Swedish magazine, 2023
Statistics about possibilites to work from home, editorial for the magazine Vision
Sleep better
Better health and sleep when you get older. Fitness play and happiness as elderly, Editorial illustration for PRO-pensionären a Swedish magazine 2022
Respons och visad uppskattning önskas på arbetsplatsen.
The staff would appreciate feedback from their managers.
Editorial for the magazine Vision.
Statistiksida om positiv respons på arbetsplatsen.
Statistics about feedback from the managers to the staff.
Editorial for the magazine Vision
Resurser i äldrevården.
Resources for the elderly,
editorial illustration, Vision magazine.
Resurser i äldrevården.
Resources for the elderly,
editorial illustration, Vision magazine.
Omslag till tidningen Vision om lönegranskning, bara korvören i lönelyft.
Salary increase? cover illustration, Vision magazine.
Uppslag till tidningen Vision om lönegranskning, bara korvören i lönelyft.
Salary increase? editorial illustration, Vision magazine.
Lönegranskning, olika lön beroende på bostadsort för tidningen Vision.
Salary review, diffrent salary depending on place of recidence.
Mot lönetoppen, granskning av löner för Tidningen Vision.
Reach the peak of salary, editorial illustration, Vision magazine.